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TEA Admission Fee (2024-2025)
$37 certification program readmission fee for Texas Education Agency (TEA). TEA collects a fee from UHCL for maintenance of my TEA website account each time I apply to or reapply to the program. Texas Education Agency (TEA) requires all educator preparation programs to collect a $35 fee from each candidate entering or reentering a teacher or advanced certification program in Texas. UHCL forwards the fee to TEA and TEA uses it to create and monitor your TEAL (TEA Login) account at the TEA website. The extra $2 is for the credit/debit card fees charged to UHCL by the credit card company. Fee is nonrefundable. "I am applying for Readmission into a certification program." For questions, contact the COE Certification Office at 281-283-3618, or Code: 21TEA08